IMPORTANT: Practice Closed to New Clients as of January 6, 2025
Youth Criminal Justice
Battick Legal Advisory supports, advises, and represents youth who become involved in the youth criminal justice system through an incident at school, or in circumstances related to school.
The Youth Criminal Justice Act governs Canada’s youth justice system. It applies to young people between ages 12-17 who are alleged to have violated federal laws. Sometimes, young people may be held accountable for criminal acts that are related to an incident at school. It is important to be aware of the unique ways in which the education system and the criminal justice system interact. We are experts in supporting youth in these challenging circumstances.
Special Rules for Youth
Young people are treated differently than adults by the criminal justice system. Young people make decisions differently than adults as the have less experience upon which to make their decisions, and are more compulsive. Their brains are not fully developed and they are less mature. All of these factors should temper and direct the method used to deal with young people. the purpose of youth sentences is to hold young persons accountable through meaningful consequences that promote rehabilitation and reintegration into society.
There are special rules that apply to youth cases at every stage, from investigation to arrest to the way they are handled by police and the courts. The punishment for crimes is different for youth. The special legislation dealing with these cases, the Youth Criminal Justice Act, is an updated and modernized version of the prior Young Offenders’ Act. The primary goals of the youth justice system, in addition to maintaining public safety, are skill development, habilitation, rehabilitation, addressing treatment needs, and successful reintegration of youth into the community. Successful reintegration requires a community approach and a broader understanding of how society impacts the lives of young people.
A Human Centered Approach
Working with young people requires a holistic understanding of a young life one must look beyond the worst moment of a young person’s life and identify their goals, aspirations, and potential. The Youth Criminal Justice Act was created with similar principles in mind. Our youth centered outlook humanizes and empathizes with all of the youth we support.
Battick Legal Advisory’s scope of services include advice and representation for:
Expulsions as a Result of a Criminal Act
First Offences
Criminal Harassment
Possession of Illicit Substances
Children’s Aid Society Investigations​